Why Do Some Small Presses Seek Out “Local” Authors?

Creating a less stressful situation for both sides is a primary motivation for choosing local authors. Think about it: If you approach a publisher with a local history focus, they will most often be hesitant to work with you if you’re based in SoCal and pitching a book on the history of an Atlanta neighborhood….

Pitching a “Completed” Manuscript

Pitching a completed manuscript to a nonfiction publisher could require some level of reworking on the author’s end, especially if the publisher has specific criteria for the construction/layout of their catalog offerings. There are always benefits and disadvantages when arriving on the scene with a finished manuscript.   Pros: You’re already done…basically! If it is…

W&O Teaser for 5.9.16

Oh, HEY! Did you think I forgot about you? I noticed that you were plugging away at your nonfiction manuscript of an event, perfecting it before you start shopping it around. On Monday, we can have a chat about why it MIGHT not always be in your best interest to do everything ahead of time….

Job Shadowing- From the Other Side

Job shadowing was by far one of my favorite experiences as a mere pup. The coolest job I ever shadowed was a police dispatcher (my aunt). Today….was slightly frightening for a number of reasons. Mainly because I was the one being shadowed. Have I truly come to that point in my life where I’m a…

The Case of the Silent Editor: What Does it Even Mean??

Last week, my new pal Jack mentioned that he’s been waiting on feedback for a while now from an editor who agreed to read his submission. It’s a very common occurrence, and depending on the size of the publishing house and your editor’s style, it could be weeks (or months) before you hear anything. Sometimes…

W&O Teaser for May 2, 2016

Can you believe May is already here??   Oh…well I…mhmm… Ahh! you can’t believe you haven’t heard back from that editor who agreed to read your manuscript months ago? Let’s talk about it more on Monday!